Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Where there is a dead body, there the vultures will gather.

The title of this post came from Luke 17:37. A similar passage also appeared in Matthew 24:28. I have longed been puzzled by this statement and today I decided to do a little research on it. I discovered a neat site called Biblical Hermeneutics where a number of people gave their answers to the question. This is my favorite answer:

It's an idiom perhaps familiar to the listeners of Jesus' days. It's like saying "where there's smoke, there's fire." This is in answer to his disciples' question "Where, Lord?". Jesus in essence is saying - it will be obvious.

In this passage, Jesus was once asked by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God would come. So the question was "when". But Jesus' answer was not to give a date or a time. He explained: "the coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed... the kingdom of God is in your midst."

Jesus then explained further to his own disciples:

  • don't follow rumours about when and where he is coming
  • his coming will be quick like lightning strike, but he must first suffer and be rejected
  • like people in Noah's days or the judgement day for Sodom, people will be unaware of their impending doom
  • on that day, Jesus will gather those who belong to him (to keep them from the harm caused by the judgement), wherever they are going about their business
  • those belonging to him must be well prepared to go with him with no unfinished earthly business ("whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it.")
  • sometimes only one partner within a couple or one of many colleagues at work will be taken

The disciples, like many of us, still want to know, "Where (will they be gathered to), Lord?".
Jesus' answer: that should be pretty obvious to you!

I think he meant "heaven"!!! Maybe these should have been my questions:
What is heaven like? Do I want to go there? Am I ready to go? Has Jesus died for me? Do I not spend too much of my life trying to preserve it? How do I lose my life for Jesus' sake?

When I (with many other Jesus' followers) find the answers to these questions, the kingdom of God will be in our midst!

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