Saturday, 24 January 2015

Mere Anglicanism 2015

Here I am in Charleston, South Carolina having just finished attending a conference called Mere Anglicanism. The theme this year is "Salt & Light, the Christian Response to Secularism". I feel particularly blessed by the speakers this year and there were many:
  • NT Wright - I recently finished reading two of his books (Simply Christian - Why Christianity Makes Sense and After You Believe - Why Christian Character Matters) and am nearly finishing the third book (Surprised By Hope). I also watched several lectures of him speaking at the NT Wright Conference at Fuller University which were very very good. This was very helpful since I already had some background on his teaching. But he surprised me even more at this conference. I took some note and hope to put it together on another blog.
  • Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali - I heard him speak last year at the same conference on the topic of "Science, Faith and Apologetics: An Answer for the Hope That Is Within Us" and knew that he was very good. He delivered the entire lecture without even looking at any notes. He received a standing ovation! On the subject of Secularism he presented his analysis on these three questions: (1) What we had; (2) How we lost it; and (3) What we can do now? I look forward to reading his book "Triple Jeopardy for the West: Aggressive Secularism, Radical Islamism and Multiculturalism".
  • Ross Douthat - He was new to me. This young NY Times Columnist (see his blog) taught me a lot and I look forward to reading from his book "Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics".
  • Mary Eberstadt - She was equally new to me. When I googled her name she was obviously well known to a lot of people. This passionate activist taught me how Christian living out their faith (to practice justice, compassion etc) must engage in this culture which is more and more intolerant to the Christian faith (this is the first time I heard of the term "The New Intolerance"). I am encouraged to read more on the subject and to apply it in my work.
  • Os Guinness - Oh what a teacher! This Irishman who is now living in Washington, DC, continues to be a social critic and author, making huge influence on our culture. He warned the church of opting out of the debate or holding on to the ultra right stance. He suggested that Atheism is "Life With No Amen" - we have nothing to fear but much to face up to.
  • Alister McGrath - Oh I love this man. I was totally inspired by him at the conference. He gave me a new perspective about living out my Christian faith by giving a new narrative of the Gospel story. I look forward to telling my story at the next CMDS (a local chapter of the Christian Medical and Dental Society) meeting where I will share on the topic "God in the Exam Room". I am now reading through his book "Mere Apologetics: How to Help Seekers and Skeptics Find Faith". I look forward to learning so much more from him.
I also attended evening and morning prayers at the local Cathedral Church of St. Luke and St. Paul. I will never forget the Friday night Holy Eucharist service. With a combined choir from two parishes and about a 1000 totally committed Christians, I thought I heard the angels singing from heaven! Such was my incredible weekend at the Mere Anglicanism conference. I look forward to next year when the theme will be on Islam.

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