I happened to be reading Exodus 4–6; Matthew 14:22-36 for my daily scripture reading today. I am following the reading assignment to read through the entire Bible in a year. I have been doing this for many years. I find it helpful to survey the entire Bible regularly. And God has blessed me through this discipline by blessing me with new insight often, especially on the day when I write this blog. You can follow the reading schedule either through Our Daily Bread (the Bible in a Year link is right beneath the daily photo). Alternatively you can subscribe to the BibleGateway's Reading Plan.
The first lesson I was reminded of today was from Exodus 4:2 "Then the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?”". Moses answer was of course an ordinary staff, or a walking stick. Moses was a shepherd by trade. He would use the staff to shepherd his flock. I would imagine the staff would come in handy if he had to fight off a wolf or a snake. God would demonstrate to Moses that He can use an ordinary staff to perform mighty acts (see Wikipedia for a nice summary of miracles using the Staff of Moses). The lesson for me is "What's that in my hand?". God can use the most ordinary to do the extraordinary things. My pastor gave a sermon based on the same verse recently. It's worth listening to.
The next lesson is related and it concerns my hand as well. It is from Matthew 14:31: "Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”". This is the story of Jesus Walking on Water. What is less talked about in this story is that the Apostle Peter also walked on water! This happened shortly before dawn when the apostles were rowing their boat fighting wind and waves and were quite a bit off shore. Jesus was delayed to join them having to send away the 5000+ men and women and children following the miracle of feeding them with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes. Jesus then caught up with them by walking on the lake. After reassuring them that He was not a ghost as they had thought, Peter demanded a proof that it was indeed Jesus: " “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”" (Matthew 14:28). And Jesus did! I don't know what Peter was thinking. It's one thing to have doubt during times of difficulties not being able to tell Jesus from the devil, but it's another to challenge Jesus to give him an impossible job! I would much rather ask Jesus to calm the storm instead (which happened in the story as soon as Jesus climbed into the boat). So an already scared and shaken Peter stepped out of the boat and starting walking on water towards Jesus. But he doubted. What was a great triumph in faith turned into a disaster. Jesus' hand had to reach out to his hand to keep him from sinking.
I think Peter's story happens a lot more than I like in my life. Facing with a difficult decision, I panic. I had asked God to give me a job more than I had really wanted to do at this stage of my life. If it goes through I would step into the unknown. And if I doubt, which I surely will at some point, may I not lose sight of Jesus. Help me to reach out my hand to catch His. He will keep me from sinking.
Thank you Lord for the Word You spoke today. I don't feel I have much to offer at this stage of my life and yet I trust that you would turn the little I have in my hand to do great miracles. But hold on to me. I am prone to doubt and fear. Take me safely to the boat where you will immediately calm the storm and I will find rest in You!
“Truly you are the Son of God.” (Matthew 14:33)
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