Friday, 31 March 2017

Blessed are the Peacemakers for they will be called children of God

I never got to write this last Friday. The entire week was distracted with the campaign to the government for Conscience Protection in the Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD, Bill 84). This is the transcript from last Thursday. My wife was making a face to face presentation in it. I wrote my own submission yesterday but it was too long for a face to face submission (each person is limited to 6 minutes). I sent it in before the deadline. Here it is if anyone if interested.

I chose the topic of peacemakers precisely because of this event. The two sides (Conscience Protection vs No Conscience Protection for Healthcare providers) are at a stalemate and the debate got very heated at times. I tried to focus on a solution which ultimately benefits patients (and Conscience Protection, of course!). What does it mean to be a peacemaker? Is this what Jesus had in mind when he included this in His Beatitudes?

Once again these are the Beatitudes:
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
“Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible has this to say:
(the peacemakers are) "Those who sow peace in the world (James 3:18). Partly, this means striving to live at peace with others (Hebrews 12:14); ultimately, it means sharing the gospel so that others can be reconciled with God and live in the peace of Christ (Romans 5:1; Philippians 4:7)."

So as long as I am a citizen of this world, and in Canada in particular, I am to expect a blessing from Jesus if I strive to live at peace with others, even those who advocate MAiD and those who seek to rob my freedom to practice medicine with my conscience, if this legislation is to pass. When I look at the picture of this man in the Catholic Register article who is the president of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, I pray that God will forgive him, "for he does not know what he is doing" (Luke 23:34). The gospel reading for the mass this morning is perfect to explain this:
"Then Jesus cried out as he was teaching in the temple, “You know me, and you know where I am from. I have not come on my own. But the one who sent me is true, and you do not know him." (John 7:28). Oh if only this man knows God and His Son Jesus Christ! If I ever meet him face to face, should I not share this gospel with him? May he be reconciled with God and live in the peace of Christ!

The blessing for being a peacemaker is this: that we will be called children of God. Again, the Ignatius Study Bible has this to say:
"The gift of divine sonship is both a present possession of believers (Romans 8:14-16; 1 John 3:1) and a future hope linked with the resurrection of the body (Romans 8:23) and the glory of eternal life (Revelation 21:7 and CCC 2305)"

I must never forget that I am now already a child of God (John 1:12) - and what a blessing it is to be adopted into His family! As long as I set my sight on my "ABBA Father", the struggle I have on earth is but a refining fire to purify me to meet my Heavenly Father face to face some day. Once again, the apostle John (1 John 3:1) reminds me that "The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him.". My job on earth is to make Him known, even if it means persecution and shame. I can fight to win this legislation but what is most important is to make Him known! I think that's ultimately what being a peacemaker means!

The Catechism (CCC 2305) says it best:
Earthly peace is the image and fruit of the peace of Christ, the messianic "Prince of Peace." By the blood of his Cross, "in his own person he killed the hostility," he reconciled men with God and made his Church the sacrament of the unity of the human race and of its union with God. "He is our peace." He has declared: "Blessed are the peacemakers."

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