I admit this has not been as easy as I would like. I have been trying to do a proper examination of conscience before each Confession, which I try to do at least once a month. During Lent I try to do this daily. I follow the questions based on the Ten Commandments from these good resources:
These are the questions most relevant to me (with minor edits and emphasis).
"HAVE I..."
First Commandment
Despaired about my salvation or the forgiveness of my sins?
Presumed on God’s mercy (committing a sin without conversion and practicing virtue)?
Loved someone or something more than God (money, power, pleasure & sex, ambition, etc.)
Second Commandment
Used the name of God in cursing? Used vulgar, suggestive or obscene speech?
Failed to keep promises that I have made to God?
Watched television or movies, or listened to music that treated the sacred things irreverently?
Belittled others in my speech?
Third Commandment
Set time aside each day for personal prayer to God?
Missed Mass on Sunday or Holy Days (through own fault w/o sufficient reason)?
Received a sacrament while in the state of mortal sin?
Been stingy in my support for the Church & the poor with my time, talent and treasure?
Fourth Commandment
Prayed for my children’s salvation?
Showed disrespect for those in authority, government or church? Not expressed my moral values to them? Supported or voted for a politician whose positions are opposed to the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church?
Fifth Commandment (Wow, this is a long list! Many are directed towards those I love.)
Committed an emotional or verbal abuse? Mean or unjust to anyone?
Held a grudge or sought revenge against someone who wronged me?
Pointed out others’ faults and mistakes while ignoring my own?
Complained more than giving compliment?
Been ungrateful for what other people do for me?
Torn people down
rather than encouraged them?
Hated another person, or wished him evil?
Been unforgiving to others, when mercy or pardon was requested?Sought revenge or hoped something bad would happen to someone?
Prejudiced against people because of
their colour, language or ethnic-religious background?
Actively or
passively cooperated with an act of euthanasia or abortion?
Sixth & Ninth Commandments
Not avoided the occasions of sin (persons or places) which would tempt me to be unfaithful to my spouse or to my own chastity?
Encouraged and entertained impure thoughts and desires?
Claimed my own marital right without concern for my spouse?
Seventh & Tenth Commandments
Let material concerns or the desire for comfort override my duty to God?
Envied others on account of their possessions?
Given generously to others in need?
Cheated on taxes or in business?
Stolen? (Take something that doesn’t belong to me against the reasonable will of the owner.)
Tried to live in a spirit of Gospel poverty and simplicity?
Misused natural resources?
Eighth Commandment
Told a lie (or exaggerated) in order to deceive someone or spread rumors which may ruin someone’s reputation (sin of calumny or slander)? Betrayed another’s confidence through speech?
Failed to make reparation for a lie I told, or for harm done to a person’s reputation?
Been guilty of rash judgment? (Assuming the worst of another person based on circumstantial evidence.)
Failed to speak out in defense of the Catholic Faith, the Church, or of another person?
Do I love to hear bad news about my enemies?
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